Serendipity Iris Gardens
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All pictures taken by Judy Shultz
* Propagated at Quail Hill Iris Gardens
** Known to rebloom
*** Have rebloomed at Quail Hill Iris Gardens
**** Historic Iris (Over 30 years old)

Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris
Bloom in Columbus, North Carolina about April 1-15;
Good for borders and early bloom
Hyperlinks below have pictures
**Baby Blessed
Cream yellow
Laced Lemonade
**Rainbow Sherbet
Light yellow and apricot
Two-tone yellow
Olive Oyl
Olive yellow
Red Heart
Lavender with red spot on falls
Pink with lavender beards
Orange Tiger
Bright orange
Two-tone yellow
**Cornhusker Autumn
Apricot peach
Yellow and mahogany
**Dark Crystal
Dark violet
Pink Caper
Peachy pink with tangerine beard
Medium blue standards; darker falls
Blue and gold
Pink Prevue
Peach pink
Tan and brown
**Flower Shower
**Plum Wine
Plum violet
Light blue self
**Glitter Bit
Glittering old gold
Pumpin' Iron
Red black self; darker spot on falls
Yellow and oxblood red
Violet; lavender beards


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Iris Classification Iris Terms Miscellaneous

Border Bearded

Intermediate Bearded

Interspecies Irises

Miniature Dwarf

Miniature Tall

Siberian Iris

Species Irises

Spuria Irises

Standard Dwarf

Tall Bearded

Beard: The fuzzy part of lower petals on bearded iris

Falls: The three lower petals

Plicata: Speckled, stitched or flecked with another color

Self: An even color throughout

Signal: The spot of color replacing beard on beardless irises

Standards: The three upright petals of the flower

Styles: Extend from the throat of the flower

Cultural Info

Quail Hill Iris Gardens

American Iris Association

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