Serendipity Iris Gardens
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All pictures taken by Judy Shultz
* Propagated at Quail Hill Iris Gardens
** Known to rebloom
*** Have rebloomed at Quail Hill Iris Gardens
**** Historic Iris (Over 30 years old)

Spuria Iris
Bloom in Columbus, North Carolina about May 1-15;
Resemble Dutch iris; Dormant in late summer; becoming green again in early fall
Hyperlinks below have pictures
Archie Owen
Ruffled light yellow
Orange yellow
Violet standards; yellow falls bordered violet
Bali Bali
Cream yellow blend
Highline Amethyst
Deep reddish purple self
Missouri Streams
Light blue
Barbara's Kiss
Violet veined yellow
Highline Bluebird
Violet self
Ruffled Canary
White standards; yellow falls bordered white
Lavender blue self from interspecies cross
Highline Lavender
Light purple
Social Circle
Ruffled white with bright yellow signal
Centering Point
Muted purple
Lavender standards, reddish mauve falls
Sonoran Carnival
Violet standards; orange yellow falls striped brown
Chocolate Dip
Deep brown rayed orange
Janice Chesnik
Tawny gold
Sonoran Senorita
Orange yellow
Light beige self
Jet Set
Burnt umber
Sunrise in Sonora
Dark maroon violet
Countess Zeppelin
Mauve red wine self
Just Reward
Mid-blue with yellow signal
Blend of pink shades
Custom Design
Deep maroon
Look Again
Deep purple
White Heron
Classic white with yellow in falls
Dawn Candle
Cream yellow
Marilyn Holloway
Pale lavender blue
Wyoming Cowboys
Gold mixed and striped with brown


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Iris Classification Iris Terms Miscellaneous

Border Bearded

Intermediate Bearded

Interspecies Irises

Miniature Dwarf

Miniature Tall

Siberian Iris

Species Irises

Spuria Irises

Standard Dwarf

Tall Bearded

Beard: The fuzzy part of lower petals on bearded iris

Falls: The three lower petals

Plicata: Speckled, stitched or flecked with another color

Self: An even color throughout

Signal: The spot of color replacing beard on beardless irises

Standards: The three upright petals of the flower

Styles: Extend from the throat of the flower

Cultural Info

Quail Hill Iris Gardens

American Iris Association

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