Serendipity Iris Gardens
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All pictures taken by Judy Shultz
* Propagated at Quail Hill Iris Gardens
** Known to rebloom
*** Have rebloomed at Quail Hill Iris Gardens
**** Historic Iris (Over 30 years old)

Species Iris
Native to various parts of the world
Collected from "the wild"
Hyperlinks below have pictures
Iris pallida
Historic Iris
Rather tall lavender blue species iris widely grown; used for orris root powder
Iris cersicolor
Cultivar John Wood
Morron standards; velvety deep red-violet falls; blooms a little later than tall bearded
(Wood/Lineberger, 98)
Iris virginica
Historic Iris
Iris tectorum
Cultivar Freckletec
Light lavender with speckles on hafts and most of falls
(Steele/Wood, 93)


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Iris Classification Iris Terms Miscellaneous

Border Bearded

Intermediate Bearded

Interspecies Irises

Miniature Dwarf

Miniature Tall

Siberian Iris

Species Irises

Spuria Irises

Standard Dwarf

Tall Bearded

Beard: The fuzzy part of lower petals on bearded iris

Falls: The three lower petals

Plicata: Speckled, stitched or flecked with another color

Self: An even color throughout

Signal: The spot of color replacing beard on beardless irises

Standards: The three upright petals of the flower

Styles: Extend from the throat of the flower

Cultural Info

Quail Hill Iris Gardens

American Iris Association

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