"God Speak to Me"


The man whispered, "God, speak to me"
and a meadowlark sang.

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But, the man did not hear.

So the man yelled, "God, speak to me"
and the thunder rolled across the sky.

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But, the man did not listen.

The man looked around and said,
"God let me see you."

And a star shined brightly.

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But the man did not see.

And, the man shouted,
"God show me a miracle."

And, a life was born.

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But, the man did not notice.

So, the man cried out in despair,
"Touch me God, and let me know you are here."
Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man.

But, the man brushed the butterfly away ..

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and walked on.

I found this to be a great reminder that God
is always around us in the little and simple things

that we take for granted ... even in our electronic age ..

so I would like to add one more:

The man cried,

"God, I need your help!"

And an e-mail arrived reaching out

with good news and encouragement.

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But, the man deleted it and continued crying ..

  Don't miss out on a blessing
because it isn't packaged the way that you expect.

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Humor  *  Poetry  *  Short Stories  *  Words of Wisdom