Alphabetical Listing of Songwriters

S - V

Sammis, John Henry

Schütz, Johann Jakob

Scott, Clara H. Fiske

Scottish Psalter

Seiss, Joseph August

Sellers, Ernest Orlando

Shepherd, Thomas

Shurtleff, Ernest Warburton

Smith, Oswald Jeffrey

Smith, Samuel Francis

Smith, Walter Chalmers

Spafford, Horatio Gates

Stennett, Samuel

Stone, Samuel John

Storm, August Ludvig

Stowell, Hugh

Suffield, Kittie Louise

Tersteegen, Gerhard

Theodulph of Orleans

Thompson, Will Lamartine

Threlfall, Jeanette

Thring, Godfrey

Tindley, Charles Albert

Toplady, Augustus Montague

Valerius, Adrianus 

Van DeVenter, Judson Wheeler

Van Dyke, Henry Jackson