
Horse/Light Horse





    Horse breeding is on the decline in Portugal, despite the country's two fine breeds of horse, and the native Minho, or Garrano pony.  However, visitors to the Algarve can still enjoy driving in carriages which are for hire.  The smaller Spanish Sorraia pony, an obvious close relation to the Polish Tarpan, is found in some parts of Portugal.
    The Alter-Real and the Lusitano had some bearing on others of importance in the Middle Ages, such as the old Neapolitan of Italy, or ones still known, like the Frederiksborg and Lipizzaner--though not to the same extent as the famous Spanish Andalusian.  A slight, speedy type of Andalusian is used in the Portuguese bullrings, where the horses have to twist and turn quickly to avoid experienced bulls that wish to live to fight another day.
    In an interesting twist, one source referred to native breeds of Portugal including both a so-called "Portuguese horse" and a "Portugal horse," the latter of which was specifically said to include the Altér and Lusitano breeds.  Hmmm....

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