White Dunce Cap
Scientific Name: Conocybe lactea
Family Name: Bolbitiaceae
Edibility: Edible
Description: Dull white, conical cap with cinnamon gills and fragile, white stalk. Cap: 3/8-1 inch (1-2.5 cm) wide; narrowly conical; margin often flared; smooth, with long radial lines; whitish. Gills: narly free, close, very narrow; whitish, becoming tawny or reddish-cinnamon. Stalk: 1-5/8-4 inches (4-10 cm) long, 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) thick, sometimes with basal bulb; whitish. Spores: 12-14 X 6-9 microns; elliptical, smooth, with pore at tip. Spore print reddish. Edibility: Edible. Season: May-June; September; summer in Southwest. Habitat: Scattered to numerous, in lawns and grassy areas. Range: Northern North America; Gulf Coast and Mexico; Colorado; California. Comments: This early-morning lawn mushroom;s stalk is quickly bent and broken by the weight of the cap and the heat of the sun; it often disappears before noon. [Lincoff, Gary H., The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1981]