Scientific Name: Carica papaya
Family: Caricaceae
The Papaya of the small Caricaceae or pawpaw family, is native to the warm, tropical regions of America, India, the Malay Archipelago and Tahiti. Its reputation derives from its fruit, a large berry, almost the size and shape of a melon. The pulp is abundant, soft and orange-yellow in color. The flavor and texture are also similar to the melon's. Papayas are used for antipasto, and as fresh fruit and juice. Because of their digestive enzyme, they are used in meat tenderizers. [Bianchini, Francesco, Corbetta, Francesco, Pistoia, Marilena, The Complete Book of Fruits and Vegetables, United States Translation: Crown Publishers, New York, 1976; Originally published in Italy as I Frutti della Terra, Arnoldo Mondadori Publisher, Italy, 1973]