Scientific Name: Prunus persica nectarina
Family Name: Rosaceae
A particular group of the peach family is that of the Nectarine. Nectarines were already known in England at the end of the sixteenth century. The name is believed to be derived from "nectar," the drink of the gods, to which this fruit was compared because of its superb flavor. Nectarines (Prunus persica var. nectarina), are classed as fuzzless peaches with an even richer flavor than the Prunus persica. There is an old, but inaccurate, country belief that the nectarine evolved from a peach, which was crossed with a plum. Starwyck, Queta, Gold Mine, Lord Matier, Armking and Cardinal are standard varieties of nectarines. [Bianchini, Francesco, Corbetta, Francesco, Pistoia, Marilena, The Complete Book of Fruits and Vegetables, United States Translation: Crown Publishers, New York, 1976; Originally published in Italy as I Frutti della Terra, Arnoldo Mondadori Publisher, Italy, 1973]