
Scientific Name:  Mangifera indica

Family Name:  Anacardiaceae

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The Mango comes from the East Indies, Malaya, and southern Florida and California.  It vaguely resembles a kidney-shaped peach, tapering at the top, with a juicy and fragrant pulp and a distinctive flavor, something between the apricot and the pineapple.  The mango tree, Mangifera indica of the Anacardiaceae or cashew family, is one of the most productive plants of the tropical regions.   Mangoes are normally eaten fresh, but can also be used in sweet chutnies and various jams.  [Bianchini, Francesco, Corbetta, Francesco, Pistoia, Marilena, The Complete Book of Fruits and Vegetables, United States Translation: Crown Publishers, New York, 1976; Originally published in Italy as I Frutti della Terra, Arnoldo Mondadori Publisher, Italy, 1973]

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