Butterfly Glossary
Antenna One of a pair of long, slender sensory appendages attached to the head (plural, antennae).
Batesian mimicry An evolved likeness of an innocuous species to a different species that is unpalatable or toxic to predators.
Cell A relatively large central area of the wing enclosed by veins.
Chrysalis In butterflies, the pupa.
Costa The upper or leading edge of the wing.
Diapause A resting state in which bodily functions are minimized and energy is conserved.
Dimorphism The occurrence of two recognizable forms in a single species.
Dorsal surface The upper surface of a wing.
Emigration Movement (often in large numbers) away from residential range; usually periodic but sometimes unpredictable.
Estivation Dormancy or diapause during summer or hot weather.
Eyespot A pattern of scales on a butterfly's wing resembling an eye.
Flight In butterflies, a brood or generation.
Hibernation Dormancy or diapause during winter; also called overwintering.
Host plant The specific food of a caterpillar.
Instar One of several stages of caterpillar growth.
Larva Caterpillar (plural, larvae).
Margin The edge of the wing.
Metamorphosis Changes in form occurring during the life cycle; butterflies change from larva (caterpillar) to pupa (chrysalis) to adult.
Migration A regular two-way movement to and from wintering or breeding ranges.
Osmeterium A forklike protuberance ("horn") behind the head of swallowtail caterpillars (Plural, osmeteria).
Overwinter Hibernate.
Palpi The two appendages on each side of the proboscis, near the mouthparts of a butterfly.
Pheromone Sex-attractant scent molecules produced in the scales of certain butterflies.
Polymorphism The occurrence of several distinct forms within a species; may be sexual or seasonal.
Pupa In butterflies, the stage of the life cycle occurring between caterpillar and adult; the chrysalis.
Scent scales Specialized scales for producing and dispersing pheromones; also known as androconia.
Stigma An area of scent scales found on the forewings of some male skippers and hairstreaks (plural, stigmata).
Submarginal Just within the outer wing margin.
Ventral surface The underside of a wing.
[Walton, Richard K., National Audubon Society Pocket Guide; Familiar Butterflies of North America, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, 1996]
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