Common Name: Umbrella Tree, Mountain Magnolia

Scientific Name: Magnolia fraseri

Family Name: Magnoliaceae

Serendipity Ranch

Columbus, North Carolina

April 27, 2002

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The leaves of this slender native tree are thin, deciduous, 6 - 18 inches long, and have a prominent notch at the base.  The petals are usually 3 - 4 inches long.  The leaves of the somewhat similar Magnolia tripetala, found scattered over the state, are not notched at the base.   A native of the southern Appalachians, these trees are found in rich woods of the mountains and upper piedmont of North Carolina.  April - May [Justice, William S. and Bell, C. Ritchie, Wild Flowers of North Carolina. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1968]

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Flowers  *  Trees

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