Medical Transcription Terms


Common Abbreviations:  
Common Terms:  Amsler grid test, corona radiata, cup-to-disk ratio, Hirschberg test, Humphrey visual field test, Ishihara color plates, slit-lamp eye, supersharp blade, Tono-Pen, vitreous
Procedures/Reports:  Cataract Right Eye
Cataract Surgery Terms:  BSS (used to rehydrate corneal), Honan balloon, keratome, lens nuclear and cortical materials, lid speculum, limbal corneal incision, MVR blade, paracentesis, phacoemulsification instrument, SS 27 gauge cannula, Vitrax
Cystotome:  straight, formed and angled, and irrigating
Eye Surgery Terms:  AcrySof AS60AT, bupivacaine, Capsulorrhexis, Cyclogyl (12%), Cystotome, Cystotome knives, dexamethasone, Healon, lidocaine, Monarch injector system, peribulbar block, phacoemulsification, phenylephrine (0.25%), Subconjunctival Kefzol, Utrata forceps
keratome:  Knife for incising the cornea.
phacoemulsification:  a modification of the extracapsular cataract extraction

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