Medical Transcription Terms


Common Abbreviations:  
Common Terms:  allogeneic stem-cell transplant, isosulfan blue dye, myelofibrosis, myeloid metaplasia, rings sideroblasts, sentinel node
Medications:  GCSF (for rhabdomyosarcoma), Prempro (menopause)
Medications for prostate cancer: bicalutamide, Casodex, and LHRH
Medications for iron deficiency: Ferrlecit, iron dextran
Cancer Information
Cancer Treatments:  5-FU, Avastin, Capecitabine, cetuximab, CPT11, Eloxatin, Enbrel, Erbitux, Humara, Leucovorin, Oxaliplatin, Xeloda, XELOX
acute lymphocytic leukemia:  Campath (Campath is indicated for the treatment of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) in patients who have been treated with alkylating agents and who have failed fludarabine therapy.)
BRCA-1 or BRCA-2 mutation
Breast cancer:  IHC (immunohistochemical staining) HER2/neu; Understanding Diagnosis Information
Breslow thickness:  The thickness of a melanoma is measured in millimeters from the top to the deepest point it has reached (Breslow depth).
Cancer Classification
Chemotherapy:  Taxotere; FEC (fluorouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide [Cytoxan, Neosar])
Clark level:  numbers in Roman numerals (measuring melanomas)
darbepoetin:  Kidney disease-related and chemotherapy induced anemia.
DLBCL:  diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; DLBCL is the most common type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in adults (See IPI below for evaluating patients)
ER+ or ER-:  estrogen receptor-positive; estrogen receptor-negative
Hodgkin's Lymphoma Classification: Stages: I, II, III, IV; Subclassification:  A, B; Subcategory: E
IPI:  Currently, physicians rely on the International Prognostic Index (IPI) to evaluate patients with DLBCL. This predictive index is based on clinical factors including age, stage of the tumor, and the presence of disease that has spread outside the point of origin.
mitotic count
Muir-Torre Syndrome:  
  • Autosomal dominant
  • Keratoacanthoma is common
  • 60% develop metastatic disease
  • 50% survival rate at 12 years
  • Young adult to elderly
    • Mean = 53
  • Many have family history of colon cancer
  • Treatment: oral isotretinoin
myxoid stroma
PR+ or PR-:  progesterone  receptor-positive; progesterone receptor-negative
Prostate cancer:  androgen independent disease
Roux-en-Y limb
Roux-Y limb
sarcoma:  stage: in Roman numerals
spitzoid melanoma
Stem-cell transplantation:  G-CSF:  Stem cells will be collected from both the patient and donor. To do this, the hormone G-CSF will be injected under the skin for several days to increase stem cell production. Then, the stem cells will be collected by apheresis. In this procedure the blood is drawn through a needle placed in one arm, pumped into a machine where the desired cells are separated out and removed, and then the rest of the blood is returned through a needle in the other arm.
stereotatic radiosurgery
Syndromes:  Behcet's, myelodysplastic, Sweet

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