Medical Transcription Terms


Common Abbreviations:  
Common Terms:  class A1 gestational diabetes, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, Falope ring, menopause, menses, Pap smear
Medications: Depo-Lupron
amniocentesis: Puncturing the amniotic sac, usually by using a needle and syringe, in order to remove amniotic fluid.
Ashkenazi Jewish:  Higher risk for breast cancer.
Beat to beat variability +/-3.
Bishop's Score: Induction by the Numbers:  Bishop's score can be ascertained by assigning points to the parameters of readiness. The higher the score, the more successful the induction is likely to be. The theory is that as a mother progresses to a higher and higher score, the more "ripe" the cervix and the more inducible she is.
Cervix Score
0 1 2 3
Position Posterior Midposition Anterior Anterior
Consistency Firm Medium Soft Soft
Effacement (%) 0-30 40-50 60-70 >80
Dilation (cm) Closed 1-2 3-4 >5
Station -3 -2 -1 +1, +2
BRCA-1, BRCA-2 gene:  Carries breast cancer cells
CASH model:  To measure risk factors for breast cancer.
Example: G3, P2-0-0-2.
fertilization:  ex vivo, in vitro, in vivo
Gail model:  To measure risk factors for breast cancer. 
GnRH agonist
HCG:  measured by mIU/ml
Intrauterine pregnancy at term.
Low cervical primary transverse Cesarean section.
menacme:  The pinnacle of the menstrual life of a woman.
menarche:  Onset of menses.
Myriad company:  Working with BRCA genes development for testing for breast cancer.
NuvaRing:  Contraceptive device.
Obstetrical history:  Gravida, Para, Multiple births, Abortions, Live births
salpingo oophorectomy
Sterile speculum exam significant for gross pooling.
Ureteral injuries can be classified and graded by the following organ injury scale:
  • Grade I (hematoma) - Contusion or hematoma
  • Grade II (laceration) – Less than 50% transection
  • Grade III (laceration) – Greater than 50% transection
  • Grade IV (laceration) – Complete transection with 2 cm of devascularization
  • Grade V (laceration) – Avulsion with greater than 2 cm of devascularization
vaginal lacerations:  grades in Roman numerals.

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