Gardening and Nature Lore

Seed Catalogues and Plant Sources

Better Homes & Gardens

Burgess Seed Catalog

CDMS Dual Magnum

Gardeners' Choice

Gardener's Supply

Greenhouse Growing

Growing Goji Berries

Irish Eyes Garden Seeds

Jackson and Perkins Seeds

Michigan Bulb Company

Midwest Plants

Mittleider Method

National Gardener

Northwest Great Plants

Pinetree Garden Seeds

Tommy Savage Nursery

Virtual Gardener

Identification Sites

Bachman's Flower Identification

Garden Guides Rock Gardens

Horticopia Plant Info

Identification Aids

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

Mushroom Identification

North Carolina DOT Wildflowers


Wildflower Identification & Pictures

Greenhouse Ideas

Ecological Technologies

Frost Proof

International Greenhouse

Sundance Supply


All About Mushrooms -- Contains a list of various mushrooms and tells about them

Basic Mushroom Growing

First Nature Fungi Guide

Fungi Fest

Fungi Images on the Net

Gourmet Mushrooms

Mushroom Counsel

Mushroom Growing FAQ

Mushroom Growers Newsletter

Serendipity * Lorna * Wanangwa * Judy