
January, 2003

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Lady waiting for evening worship

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Lady waiting for Pastor Tom to kick the tennis ball!

Almost every evening Lady shows up beside my bed ready for worship about 9:00 P.M., which is our regular time for worship. Some evenings we aren't quite ready, but she is always there waiting. Lady013103a.JPG (34557 bytes) Pastor Tom and his daughter, Jessica, came to eat Sabbath lunch with us one week while Mrs. Nancy was away for her dad's funeral. Lady enjoyed Pastor Tom kicking the tennis ball to her. Pastor Tom kept attempting to out-smart Lady by ricocheting the ball off the base of the cabinets before it went into the living room!
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Whenever anyone gets the camera out Lady begins posing for pictures! She has become very demanding that her picture get taken. As you can see in the picture to the right, she has some help at times!

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Photo Gallery  * Pets * Lady