Knoxville -- 1.. Where do you live (give city, state/province, country, continent)? Knoxville, Iowa,USA, North America
2.. What interesting places are there to see near you? There isn't a lot here. When people visit we usually take them to see Living History Farms. People do work there just as they did at various periods in American History. When you visit they will be doing the type of work that would be done at the season it is currently.
3.. What is the climate like where you live? (example: average rainfall, temperatures, variations in weather) I'm not sure what the averages are but it is hot and humid in the summer and quite cold in the winter. We can have tornadoes in the summer and blizzards in the winter.
4.. What is the land like where you live? (example: mountains, plains, etc.) Mostly it is plains. We do have some rolling hills here in southern Iowa.
5.. Are there any interesting plants or animals in your area? If so, please tell me about them. We have coyote, deer, and fox for some of the wild animals. Cows and pigs are raised here.
6.. What items (foods, hi-tech, manufactured items, etc.) are produced in your area? We are known for our production of corn and hogs.
7.. What natural resources are found in your area? We still have a little coal although most of the mines have been closed now. Farming is what we do best.
8.. Anything else you think might be of interest. I grew up in Iowa and I like it here. There are some unpleasant things like the hot summers and the cold winters, the tornadoes and blizzards. I think one becomes use to the weather where they are and just don't mind it. Many people in Iowa have never lived anywhere else. I have also lived in California, Oklahoma, and Utah. People in Iowa tend to be hard working people with good values. Many have grown up on the farm where hard work was their income. Family farms are now being bought out by larger farm corporations. I think that is too bad as it means more people are living in towns.