Frances Jane Crosby

"Fanny Crosby"

Born:  March 24, 1820, Putnam County, New York.

Died:  February 12, 1915, Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Buried:  Bridgeport, Connecticut.

    Fanny Crosby was probably the most prolific hymnist in history. Though blinded by an incompetent doctor at six weeks of age, she wrote over 8,000 hymns. About her blindness, she said:

It seemed intended by the blessed providence of God that I should be blind all my life, and I thank him for the dispensation. If perfect earthly sight were offered me tomorrow I would not accept it. I might not have sung hymns to the praise of God if I had been distracted by the beautiful and interesting things about me.

    In her lifetime, Fanny Crosby was one of the best known women in the United States. To this day, the vast majority of American hymnals contain her work.
    When she died, her tombstone carried the words, “Aunt Fanny” and “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine.” Eliza Hewitt memorialized Fanny’s passing in a poem:

Away to the country of sunshine and song,
Our songbird has taken her flight,
And she who has sung in the darkness so long
Now sings in the beautiful light.

    Pseudonyms she used are:

Her hymns include:


  1. Able to Deliver
  2. After the Mist and Shadow
  3. All the Way My Savior Leads Me
  4. Army of Endeavor
  5. As the Bird Flies Home
  6. At the Breaking of the Day
  7. At the Cross There's Room
  8. Awake! Awake!
  9. Awake! Awake! O Heart of Mine!
  10. Awake! For the Trumpet is Sounding!
  11. Away! Away!
  12. Beautiful Vale of Rest
  13. Beautiful Witness
  14. Behold Me Standing at the Door
  15. Behold the Wondrous Love
  16. Bless This Hour of Prayer
  17. Blessed are They that Believe
  18. Blessed Assurance
  19. Blessed Bible
  20. Blessed Cross of Jesus
  21. Blessed Feast, The
  22. Blessed Homeland
  23. Blessed Redeemer
  24. Blest, Blest Forever
  25. Blind Bartimeus
  26. Blood Washed Throng, The
  27. Break Forth, O Joyful Heart
  28. Bright Forever, The
  29. By and By
  30. By the Grace of God We'll Meet
  31. Calling for You
  32. Children May Be Heralds
  33. Children Sing
  34. Choose Ye Today
  35. Christ Is Risen!
  36. Christ the Lord Is King
  37. Christian Brother, O'er the Main
  38. Christian Flag, The
  39. Church of Christ, O Sleep No More
  40. City of Gold
  41. Cleansing Fountain, The
  42. Close Thy Heart No More
  43. Close to Thee
  44. Come Again
  45. Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
  46. Come, Come Away!
  47. Come, Great Deliverer, Come!
  48. Come in, O Blessed One
  49. Come, Oh Come, with Thy Broken Heart
  50. Come to the Fountain
  51. Come unto Me, Ye Weary
  52. Come with Rejoicing
  53. Coming Today
  54. Conquering Now and Still to Conquer
  55. Cry from Macedonia, A
  56. Dark Is the Night
  57. Day-Star Hath Risen, The
  58. Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me?
  59. Don't Forget the Sabbath
  60. Eternity
  61. Everlasting Hills, The
  62. Fairer Than the Morning
  63. Faith in Jesus
  64. Falter Not
  65. Few More Marchings Weary, A
  66. Gathering Out of Tears
  67. Glad Tidings
  68. Gladly We Will Go
  69. Glory Ever Be to Jesus
  70. Glory to God, Hallelujah
  71. Glory to God in the Highest
  72. Go and Work!
  73. Go Work in the Vineyard
  74. God of Our Strength, Enthroned Above
  75. God So Loved the World
  76. God's Holy Church Shall Triumph
  77. Good-night Till We Met in the Morning
  78. Great Jehovah, Mighty Lord
  79. Greatness of His Mercy, The
  80. Guiding Hand, The
  81. Hand in Hand
  82. Handful of Leaves, A
  83. Hark! There Comes a Whisper
  84. He Feedeth His Flock
  85. He Hideth My Soul
  86. He Is All in All to Me
  87. He Is Coming
  88. Healing at the Fountain
  89. Hear and Answer Prayer
  90. Hear, and Live!
  91. Hear My Call
  92. Hear Us, O Savior!
  93. Heavenly Father, We Beseech Thee
  94. Here from the World We Turn
  95. Hide Me
  96. Hide Thou Me
  97. His Love Passeth Knowledge
  98. His Words Are True
  99. Hold Fast
  100. Hold Thou My Hand
  101. Holy, Holy, Holy Is the Lord
  102. How Can We Forget Him?
  103. How Oft in Holy Converse
  104. How Oft We Are There
  105. How Sweet the Hour
  106. I Am So Glad That Jesus Came
  107. I Am Thine, O Lord
  108. I Have Entered Beulah Land
  109. I Live but in Thee
  110. I Will Not Be Long!
  111. I'll Bear It, Lord, for Thee
  112. In a Lowly Manger Sleeping
  113. In Bethany
  114. In the Twinkling of an Eye
  115. Is It There?
  116. Jesus Is Passing This Way
  117. Jesus Is Tenderly Calling You Home
  118. Jesus, My All
  119. Jesus, My Only Hope
  120. Jesus, Savior, We Implore Thee
  121. Jesus Will Welcome Me There
  122. Joyfully Sing
  123. Just a Word for Jesus
  124. Keep on Watching
  125. Keep Thou Me
  126. Keep Thou My Way
  127. King is Coming, The
  128. Laurels, Fresh Laurels
  129. Lay It Down
  130. Let Me Lean on Thee
  131. Let the Light Stream In
  132. Let Us Sing Again
  133. Lights of Home, The
  134. Like a Wayward Child I Wandered
  135. Like as a Father
  136. Lion of Juday, The
  137. Lo! The Golden Fields are Smiling
  138. Look Up! Ye Weary Ones
  139. Lord, Abide with Me
  140. Lord, Here I Am
  141. Lord in Zion Reigneth, The
  142. Lord is King!, The
  143. Make Haste!
  144. Master's Call, The
  145. Meet Me There
  146. Message Sweet Is Borne to Me, A
  147. More Like Jesus Would I Be
  148. Morning Draweth Nigh, The
  149. Morning Land, The
  150. Music of the Angles
  151. My Savior First of All
  152. My Song Shall Be of Jesus
  153. Near the Cross
  154. Nearer the Cross
  155. Never Give Up
  156. Never Lose the Golden Rule
  157. Never Shone a Light So Fair!
  158. No King but Christ
  159. No Sorrow There
  160. No Tears in Heaven
  161. No Voice But Thine
  162. O Be Saved
  163. O Blessed Bible
  164. O Brother, Life’s Journey Beginning!
  165. O Child of God
  166. O Church of God, Arise!
  167. O Eden, Dear Eden
  168. O Fly to Him
  169. O My Savior, Hear Me
  170. O Precious Word
  171. O Spirit, Come
  172. O to Abide in Jesus
  173. Oh, How Sweet When We Mingle
  174. Oh, Sing of My Redeemer!
  175. Oh, to Be Nearer
  176. Oh, What Are You Going to Do?
  177. Oh, Wonderful Word!
  178. On Let Us Go
  179. On the Banks Beyond the River
  180. Only a Beam of Sunshine
  181. Only a Little Way
  182. Only a Step
  183. Only Jesus Feels and Knows
  184. Only Thy Garment's Hem
  185. Only Trust the Savior's Promise
  186. Onward, Ye Pilgrims
  187. Open the Gates of the Temple
  188. Opening Hymn
  189. Our Festive Song
  190. Out in the Sunshine
  191. Out of Bondage
  192. Palace of the King, The
  193. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
  194. Patriot's Prayer, The
  195. Pilgrim's Journey, The
  196. Praise Him, Praise Him
  197. Praise Our Creator
  198. Praise, Praise His Name
  199. Praise the Lord and Worship Him
  200. Praise the Rock of Our Salvation
  201. Praise Ye the Lord
  202. Press On!
  203. Pure Within
  204. Rainbow Round the Throne, The
  205. Redeemed, and With the Price of Blood
  206. Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It!
  207. Redeeming Grace
  208. Rescue the Perishing
  209. Rest at Home
  210. Rest over Jordan
  211. Revive Thy Work, O Lord!
  212. Rock in the Desert
  213. Room at the Cross
  214. Room for the Penitent
  215. Sacred Fountain
  216. Safe in the Arms of Jesus
  217. Save Me at the Cross
  218. Saved by Grace
  219. Savior, More than Life
  220. Savior with Me, The
  221. Send the Gospel Light
  222. Shadow of the Rock, The
  223. Shall I be Saved Tonight?
  224. Shepherd's Fold on High, The
  225. Shout in the Camp, A
  226. Shouting His Praise
  227. Showers of Blessing
  228. Simple, Earnest Prayer, The
  229. Sing Once More of Jesus
  230. Sing unto God
  231. Sing with a Tuneful Spirit
  232. So Near to the Kingdom
  233. Some Sweet Day, By and By
  234. Soul Cheering Promise, The
  235. Sound the Alarm!
  236. Speed Away
  237. Stand by the Right
  238. Sweet Assurance
  239. Sweet Story of Jesus
  240. Take the World, but Give Me Jesus
  241. Tell It Out with Gladness
  242. Tell Me the Story of Jesus
  243. Tenderly He Leads Us
  244. Tenderly Pleading
  245. Thanks for the Bible
  246. There Will I Follow Thee
  247. They That Be Wise
  248. They'll Soon Be O'er
  249. This I Know!
  250. This Is Our Endeavor
  251. This My Plea
  252. Though Kindred Ties Around Us
  253. Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet
  254. Through the Valley of the Shadow
  255. Thy Hand Upholdeth Me
  256. Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, Alone
  257. Thy Word Is a Lamp
  258. 'Tis Summer in My Heart
  259. 'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer
  260. To the Work
  261. To God Be the Glory
  262. Too Late
  263. Tread Softly
  264. Tried and True
  265. Trust in the Promise
  266. Trusting Jesus
  267. 'Twill All Be Right at Last
  268. Unsearchable Riches
  269. Wait on the Lord
  270. Waiting for the Promise
  271. Waiting for Thy Coming
  272. Walking in the Good Old Way
  273. Watch and Pray
  274. Water of Life, The
  275. We All Can Do Good
  276. We All Can Do Something for Jesus
  277. We Are Coming Home Tonight
  278. We Are Going. We Are Going
  279. We Are Nearing
  280. We Praise Thee, We Bless Thee
  281. We Walk by Faith
  282. Welcome for Me
  283. We'll Give Our Hearts to Jesus
  284. What a Friend Thou Art to Me!
  285. What a Gathering
  286. When Christ Arose
  287. When Each Others Face We See
  288. When the Dewy Light Was Fading
  289. When the King Shall Come!
  290. Where is Thy Refuge?
  291. Why Do the Holy Angels Sing?
  292. Whom Have I in Heaven?
  293. Will Jesus Find Us Watching?
  294. Will the Angels Come?
  295. Will You Come?
  296. Work for Us All
  297. Year of Precious Blessings, A
  298. Yes, There is Pardon for You