Missouri Fox Trotter

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Names:  Missouri Fox Trotting Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter, Fox Trotter.  I chose to call this the Missouri Fox Trotter so I could use the shorter Fox Trotter!



Description:  A quality animal, this is a recently evolved American breed, or type, of gaited horse.  The "fox-trot" is an interrupted or divided gait wherein the horse walks with his front feet and trots with his hind feet--a gait similar to the running walk.


Features:  A different gait, sure-footed, if not high-stepping, is produced by this horse, long known in its own region, that travels at between five and ten miles an hour, walking briskly in front while trotting behind, and nodding its head to the rhythm of each step.

Uses:  Besides as a show-ring horse, this breed is used as a pleasure horse, a stock horse, or for trail riding.





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