
Introduction:  If you have any comments or suggestions, or know where I can get a picture of this breed, please click here.

Names:  Comtois.  Apparently also called the ComtĂ© horse (I wonder if Comtois is the plural...).

Origin:  France, Besançon region on the Swiss border (Doubs).  Horses registered with the Syndicat du Cheval Comtois are regarded as belonging to the Comtois breed.

Breeding:  The Comtois breed is almost pure bred nowadays.  It resembles closely the old Ardennes of the last century which may well be considered its progenitor.

Description:  General impression is of an exceptionally well turned out and well-developed horse.  A medium sized French horse believed to have descended from the old original Ardennes draft breed.

Action:  Energetic, smooth, brisk movements in walk and trot.

Body:  Well-attached neck and well-placed shoulders.  Short, powerful back.  Steep, broad, muscular quarters with nicely set tail.  Good barrel and depth of girth.

Color:  Chestnut predominates.

Head:  Not very small head with plenty of expression, lively eyes, and plenty of movement in the ears.

Hooves.  Sound.

Legs:  Perfectly clean and correctly shaped.

Size:  15-16 hands.

Temperament:  Energetic and cheerful.

Features:  Barely attains medium size; rather light, easily trained, very hardy heavy type.






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