Florida Vacation


November 22 ~ 25, 2007

Poole Cousins 2007

Names and Faces from the Poole Cousins 2007 Reunion. Highlighted ones were present for Cousins 2007. (Not a complete list. If you know more names, please e-mail me. Thanks! Lorna) Click the following links for a few pictures ~ Faces ~ Page 1; Page 2.

  1. Rufus and Nancy Poole

    1. Jonathan Poole m. Gertrude Dever

      1. Theora

        1. Nancy

      2. Wendell m. Clarena

        1. Ann m. Don Thomas

        2. Ruth

          1. Jan

          2. Darla

          3. Ruth Ann

        3. Kendell

        4. Kenneth

        5. Lowell

          1. Penny

      3. Claton m. Frances

        1. Chuck m. Rosie

        2. Johnny

        3. Roy

      4. Chalmers m. Alice

        1. Merlin m. Wanda

        2. Glenn m. 

          1. Glenn, Jr.

      5. Adrian m. Herbert Thurber

        1. Jeanne

      6. Dorthea m. Frank Shoemaker

        1. Dwight m. Brenda Dillow

          1. Dee

        2. Duane m. Caryn

          1. Jonathan

          2. Jodi

      7. Lauren m. Doris

        1. Lauren, Jr.

        2. Billy

      8. Paul m. Alice

        1. Paul David

        2. Linda

      9. Joe m. Thelma

        1. Joe, Jr. (Rusty)

        2. Mary

    2. Mary Poole

      1. Roger Milam m. Anita

      2. Carmen

  1. John Newton Dever m. Clara Wrigley

    1. Johnny

    2. Blaine

    3. Gertrude m. Jonathan Poole

      1. See under Jonathan Poole Above

    4. Ethel

    5. Ione

    6. Walter

    7. Hobart

      1. Homer m. Arlene Detamore

        1. Lorna m. (divorced) Jonathan Wilson

          1. Wanangwa

        2. Beth m. Clayton Brandt

          1. Ernie m. Amber Blake

          2. Kristi

        3. Ronda

  2. Homer

  3. Lowell m. Dena

    1. Dorothy

    2. Lowell, Jr.

      1. Lowell, III

        1. Lowell, IV

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