Catherine Winkworth

Born: September 13, 1827, Ely Place, Holborn, London, England.

Died:  July 1, 1878, near Geneva, Switzerland.

Buried:  Monnetier, Savoy, Switzerland.

    Winkworth lived most of her life in Manchester, England. The notable exception was the year she spent in Dresden, Germany. Around 1854, she published Lyra Germanica, containing numerous German hymns translated into English. She went on to publish another series of German hymns in 1858. In 1863, she came out with The Chorale Book for England, and in 1869, Christian Singers of Germany. More than any other single person, she helped bring the German chorale tradition to the English speaking world.


  1. Ah, Dearest Jesus
  2. Ah! Lord Our God, Let Them Not Be Confounded
  3. All Glory Be to God on High
  4. All Men Living are but Mortal
  5. All My Heart this Night Rejoices
  6. Arise, Sons of the Kingdom
  7. Arise, the Kingdom is at Hand
  8. Awake, Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire
  9. Baptized into Thy Name Most Holy
  10. Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
  11. Christ, the Life of All the Living
  12. Christ the Lord is Risen Again
  13. Christ Will Gather in His Own
  14. Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!
  15. Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
  16. Dayspring of Eternity
  17. Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness
  18. Faith is a Living Power from Heaven
  19. Fear Not, O Little Flock
  20. From God Shall Naught Divide Me
  21. From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
  22. Gentle Shepherd, Thou Has Stilled
  23. Give Heed, My Heart
  24. God's Word is Like a Flaming Sword
  25. Help Us, O Lord!
  26. Holy Ghost, My Comforter
  27. I Say to All Men Far and Near
  28. If You Will Only Let God Guide You
  29. In Thee is Gladness
  30. Jehovah, Let Me Now Adore Thee
  31. Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense
  32. Jesus, Priceless Treasure
  33. Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
  34. Let Us All with Gladsome Voice
  35. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
  36. Light of Light, Enlighten Me
  37. Lord God, We Worship Thee
  38. Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now
  39. Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light
  40. Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word
  41. Lord, to Thee I Make Confession
  42. Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart
  43. My Soul, Now Praise Thy Maker
  44. Now All the Woods are Sleeping
  45. Now God be with Us, for the Night is Coming
  46. Now Let all Loudly Sing Praise
  47. Now Thank We All Our God
  48. O Christ, Our True and Only Light
  49. O Darkest Woe
  50. O Dearest Jesus
  51. O Father-Heart, Who Hast Created All
  52. O God, Thou Faithful God
  53. O Holy Spirit, Enter In
  54. O Jesus Christ, Our Lord Most Dear
  55. O Jesus, King of Glory
  56. O Living Bread from Heaven
  57. O Lord, How Shall I Meet You?
  58. O Love, Who Formedst Me to Wear
  59. O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright
  60. O That I had a Thousand Voices
  61. Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple
  62. Oh, Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly
  63. Old Year Now Hath Passed Away, The
  64. Once He Came in Blessing
  65. Out of the Depths I Cry to Thee
  66. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
  67. Rejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians
  68. Rise, My Soul, to Watch and Pray
  69. Since Jesus is My Friend
  70. Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word
  71. Strive Aright When God Doth Call
  72. Sweetest Joy the Soul can Know
  73. Thou Fairest Child Divine
  74. Thou Light of Gentile Nations
  75. Thy Word, O Lord, Like Gentle Dews
  76. Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying
  77. We Believe in One True God
  78. We Christians May Rejoice Today
  79. Welcome, Thou Victor in the Strife
  80. Whate'er My God Ordains is Right
  81. When in the Hour of Utmost Need
  82. When O'er My Sins I Sorrow
  83. Who Keepeth Not God's Word
  84. Who Knows How Near My End May Be?
  85. Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish